Eye Exams Specialist

Great Neck Opticians

Optometry located in Great Neck, NY

Routine eye exams are a vital part of ocular health, which is why the American Optometric Association recommends regular eye exams for most patients. At Great Neck Opticians in Great Neck, New York, expert optometrists Yelena Pinkhasova, OD, and Eleonora Tamayeva, OD, offer two types of eye exams to meet all of your vision care needs: routine eye exams and comprehensive eye exams. Use the online scheduler or call the office to make your eye exam appointment today.

Eye Exams Q & A

What is a routine eye exam?

In a routine eye exam, Dr. Pinkhasova or Dr. Tamayeva performs a refraction test to determine your prescription. During the refraction, Dr. Pinkhasova or Dr. Tamayeva places a variety of lenses in front of your eyes. You'll choose between pairs of lenses, answering the doctor when they ask "is 1 or 2 better?" until finding the optimal vision correction.

A routine eye exam also includes an overall basic eye health check with a glaucoma screening. In a routine eye exam, your eyes aren't dilated, and it's a fairly quick visit taking around 30-60 minutes on average.

Routine eye exams are mainly needed to determine your prescription, so if you need a more in-depth eye health check, Dr. Pinkhasova or Dr. Tamayeva will recommend a comprehensive eye exam.

What is a comprehensive eye exam?

In a comprehensive eye exam, Dr. Pinkhasova or Dr. Tamayeva does an in-depth eye examination after dilating your eyes with specialized eye drops. After about 20-30 minutes, the eye drops open your pupil fully to allow the doctor to see the retina and other internal eye structures using high magnification and bright light.

Comprehensive eye exams are so important because they allow Dr. Pinkhasova or Dr. Tamayeva to find problems like:

  • Diabetes
  • Strokes
  • Glaucoma
  • Macular degeneration
  • Cataracts
  • Retinal tears or detachment

The problems detected during a comprehensive eye exam can't be diagnosed during a routine eye exam. If Dr. Pinkhasova or Dr. Tamayeva sees potential warning signs of an eye disease like glaucoma during a routine eye exam, she may recommend a comprehensive eye exam to get a detailed look at your eyes and make a diagnosis.

Comprehensive eye exams take longer than routine eye exams. This type of exam might take over an hour because it includes time for eye dilation and close examination of your inner eyes.

How often do I need eye exams?

The American Optometric Association recommends yearly routine eye exams for youngsters starting at school age. If your child is at risk for eye problems, they may need more frequent eye exams.

For adults, the American Optometric Association recommends exams every 1-2 years, based on your risk for vision problems. The type of exam you need depends on your specific situation.

Use the online scheduler or call Great Neck Opticians to make your eye exam appointment today.