Dry Eyes Specialist

Great Neck Opticians

Optometry located in Great Neck, NY

If you’re desperately rubbing your dry and grainy eyes or constantly blinking in a hopeless attempt to get some moisture in your eyes, you may be suffering from dry eye syndrome, also called dry eyes. The dedicated and experienced eye care team at Great Neck Opticians in Great Neck, New York, led by optometrists Yelena Pinkhasova, OD, and Eleonora Tamayeva, OD, prescribe effective options to help you feel comfortable again at last. Book now by phone or through the online scheduler.

Dry Eyes Q & A

What is dry eyes?

Dry eye syndrome, or dry eyes, is a problem with producing or maintaining enough eye lubrication. When your eyes function properly, they produce a continual supply of lubricant known as a tear film.

Your tear film includes water, mucus, and lipids. It keeps your eye surface lightly covered at all times. In addition to keeping your eyes lubricated, the tear film also helps prevent infections and keeps foreign substances out of your eyes.

If you have dry eyes, you don’t have enough eye lubrication, and this can lead to a number of frustrating and painful symptoms.

What are the symptoms of dry eyes?

Dry eyes lives up to its name by causing uncomfortable or painful eye dryness. But that’s not the only issue. You may also have:

  • Eye inflammation, including redness or visible blood vessels
  • Burning eyes
  • Feeling of something inside your eyes
  • Blurry vision

Even though dry eyes is a problem arising from insufficient tears, one of its symptoms can be watery eyes. The water is just that: water — it’s missing the other two ingredients in healthy tears. The water is only a reflex triggered by the extreme dryness and discomfort.

How is dry eye syndrome diagnosed?

Dr. Pinkhasova or Dr. Tamayeva can diagnose dry eyes after discussing your symptoms with you, and then performing either a routine or comprehensive eye exam depending on your situation. Dr. Pinkhasova or Dr. Tamayeva may also do a specialized test, the Schirmer test, that measures your tear production.

How is dry eye syndrome treated?

Treatment for dry eyes can take several forms. The most common dry eyes treatment is prescription eye drops to increase tear production or artificial tears to replace your tears. In severe cases, you may need to consider other solutions such as tear duct plugs to prevent drainage.

Dry eyes is only one ocular surface disease. It may occur at the same time as other ocular surface diseases, such as blepharitis. Dr. Pinkhasova or Dr. Tamayeva can help you manage ocular surface diseases affecting your dry eyes while focusing on your overall eye health and wellness.

To get help for dry eyes, use the online scheduler or call Great Neck Opticians for your appointment now.